My install path is similar... so the only problem I can think of is that failed previous attempts have not been cleared from the registry properly.
The game can and will patch fine. I have or have had the game patched and running on W98, W2000 (pro) , XP , Vista , W7 and W8 RC.
So you must...
That's because you don't understand that scripted events are not held in any file that you are familiar with.
From memory of 7-8y ago it is the decompiled .CHL files you need to modify then re-compile.
That is the end of what I think I can remember so no more help from me.
The 2 games are entirely separate using different game engines.
I wouldn't expect someone to do that back in 2006 when there were many B&W sites with 500,000+ users/modders.
Now in the last part of 2012 this is the last site with the last few members trying to help the few who need it.
Install path ?
The game will not patch properly if installed to the default settings on more modern versions of Windows than when the game was released in 2001.
Standard advice for the past 10y or so is .......
Uninstall the game
Clean the registry with a registry cleaner
Optional ...
The fire storm is not part of a "map" it is a scripted event.
So as FP says you can't do it as a separate map but it could be done in theory in a modified game.
I would not even try it as it would mean a lot of work for little reward.
Weeks or months for a few minuets play.
It is simple to add a football field to any land, main game or skirmish.
Just add this line to the desired land or map....
Replacing the X,Y with real numbers for your desired position.
BTW most people just call me Grem :D
I seem to remember that the football works OK for Vista/W7.
What you can't do is build the scaffolds in game.
This map has a football pitch try it out :D
There is no such thing as a LAN server.
To play MP you need 2 players(or more) connected to the same LAN (or VLAN) at the same time.
One of these players hosts the game and the other(s) joins that game.
It is an editor that allows you to place objects onto a landscape. Houses rocks trees people etc.
The best way to learn is to look at other peoples work first to see how it works.
Work ended on this tool many years ago.
The semi good news is that a visual scrip editor of sorts is around I used to use was World Modifier.
Just a word or two of warning try to not mess around with the coast lines, inland water and land...
Online is not an option. As stated above.
Hamachi or other similar allow you to play a LAN game over the internet.
So to play MP you need to first'
Find someone to play with
Then be on the same VLAN both or all players at the same time.
Then follow the LAN method to play the game.
Online == to...
From memory...
I had this problem years back with Vista. I had DX10 then. After days of looking over all the sites that have now closed I couldn't find an answer for B&W and another game that I forget which one.
Any way the cure for me was to install DX9 form the disk without removeing DX10. ...
Host is the player who's computer acts as the server, it is not an option.
We get the same screen on PC, this shows the OTHER computers running the same version of B&W on your network and your own if others are found.
You can't MP with just one Game running on your LAN or VLAN.
Patch the game to 1.2. Recommended as it fixes lots of bugs.
Ignore Hamachi it is not needed for real LAN.
Start the game.
Select Join Online Game.
Host only......
Selects his computer and sets up the game. Just follow the prompts.
Joins the game.
For more info RTFM...
I would not call it lazy design.... this has been a core feature of many games and is what most players expect.
B&W2 is the exception that broke that rule.
There are 3 different ways of measuring time as far as I can see ....Player days..Creature or Villager years ....and none seem...
I really had to laugh ...... :D .... Just doing another play through !!!
The final Jap and the first Aztec on both lands I ran out of trees.. :blush
Ore too on the Aztec....So maybe it is down to playing styles ???
The AI is not as good as it could be for any particular player, but...
I don't have a problem with the store being the most wanted building most of the time.
Playing to impress with my villagers in "free will" I just build and build and build. This keeps the wood and ore levels down. As for food I set aside an area for fields but don't place all the fields adding...
I copied your town style and did some tests some of the results surprised me.
Villagers tend to spread themselves out and occupy all available habitable buildings. Not just Housing.
They all seem to use the main store for preference not the nearest for gathered crops,wood or ore...
I don't seem to get any problems with food with a patched but no mods of any kind.
Here's a couple of screenshots of the village I built on the FLAT to see if I got the same problems. As you can see the grain stores are full and the people are happy there is even spare room in town for the final...