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  1. Gremxula

    Alllands (5 Maps)

    Land T is the training  Island you go to with F2. . The coast lines are best avoided if you can  but BWSurveyer is the  only editor I have used that can give  smooth coast lines.
  2. Gremxula

    B&W & CI Question

    Alt & 2 Speed up  time. Alt & 1 Slow Time.  ?? (from memory)
  3. Gremxula

    Villagers won't dance...

    Yes the villagers really need to be  happy before they can / will dance  enough to make  artefacts.. L2 is better but  L3 is the  fastest if you play  the  original game  as  released. There are many  "tweaks" you can do, to make the game  more fun on your 2/3/4th runthrough.
  4. Gremxula

    Of Gods and Mortals

    It is always sad to have to say goodbye to a  project. I know  from experience  you put in  100's/1000's of hours work and  it never gets  to a finished state in time to be of use. A sad day for  all.
  5. Gremxula

    Silience... where did the music go?

    I have not noticed a difference between  W7 and Vista. So perhaps it it is the time to make a final  guide ........................ Cowgod  already did one  but  a new one  with more info  ....... would be  better. :D
  6. Gremxula

    Player Color?

    Simply live with the  original..... it is of no real importance. But if you really "need" to change colours then there exists/existed other ways... look for tutorials.
  7. Gremxula

    Silience... where did the music go?

    Confirmed just copy the "Audio" folder to overwrite the folder on your installed path. You should have no further problems........ Except maybe wide screen but that can be  solved too.. I play in  1650x1080
  8. Gremxula

    Import BotG stuff in BW2

    I don't  think they would have gone to  the trouble  of removing  features from BOTG. The missing commands for the ghost ship could probably be added manually as you had to do in B&W1 for  CI and undocumented features, in the editors of the day. I did take a look at editing B&W2/BOTG several...
  9. Gremxula

    Favourite Epic Wonder?

    You don't have to use  volcano to  get the permanent land change effect. Both volcano and earthquake take  a  "snapshot" of the landscape the moment it is fired, this is used to restore the  land after the  epic wears off. If the landscape was still disrupted from  a previous EPIC then that then...
  10. Gremxula

    Import BotG stuff in BW2

    Surely it would be easier to import B&W2 lands into BOTG. The reason I say this is because... You need both games anyway. BOTG contains all the B&W2 features so would be 100% compatable with minimal problems. ...... Taking  BOTG stuff to B&W2 would require the import of the new game engine to...
  11. Gremxula

    MP3 Addon

    Great what windows version and  32 or 64 bit. It would really help to know.
  12. Gremxula

    B&W1 + 10 the lost files.

    In the  years since I have been collecting B&W1 files from all around the world I noticed  that many files were unique to individual sites. Many more popular files got copied from site to site. This site has  a good selection and I have  contributed files as well . BUT I recently lost nearly...
  13. Gremxula

    Next qeustion... my ingame music is broke...

    Much as I am reluctant  to say this............... The recommended install for B&W1 these days(W95-98-2k-ME+) is from CD first attempt...... 1. Create a folder called "Games" is the normal but any folder outside "C:\Program Files" will be fine. 2. Install the game to that folder....  Typically...
  14. Gremxula

    Who can help me with this one -.-

    Actually in skirmish it is  very easy to  create  "unfair" maps. Off the top of my head I remember..... The Valley of the Fear by Fat Omen ....4-5 full sized creatures wandering round Mega Blasting everything if your creature had MBlast or not.Size match is also optional in skirmish it  can be...
  15. Gremxula

    Who can help me with this one -.-

    From my creature training days and I did several and used many others that others had trained. I did find  that there were a few rules that creatures generally seemed  worked to... The first basic thing is  the  bigger and  fatter the creature is  the more  miracles he can cast. The creature...
  16. Gremxula

    New Hamachi network!

    Yes the 1.3 patch is used  by most new players. The odd thing is the v1.3 patch is just totally useless for  most players except to give compatibility to other 1.3 users as so few have  the P5 glove. The only thing the 1.3 patch can do is  break the game if  you don't get the P5 manufactures...
  17. Gremxula

    Graphic problem!!

    Any data written to C: will be written to the first free space on that drive as far as I know. This is what causes fragmentation when you frequently delete and put  data on a drive. This is true  whatever you  name folders. Files/folders have space allocated  as required. This was true years ago...
  18. Gremxula

    What is this about graphics.config?

    Grahics card make do not seem to be used. I could have made that a bit clearer. Just glad you figured it out. :D
  19. Gremxula

    Of Gods and Mortals

    I just want you to be right!
  20. Gremxula

    Of Gods and Mortals

    Don't hold your breath... Over the years many teams have come and gone without completing much simpler maps/mods. The big problem is interest fades faster than the progress is achieved. . This could have been hot 5y ago but now the posters on all English speaking B&W sites  that I know is down...