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  1. Gremxula

    Food Consumption & Villagers

    I mostly build up not out  :laugh2 Skyscrapers can be happy places to live if you provide enough leisure buildings. A couple of old views from 2006 or7 playing as a good god. Note Small fertile area supporting a large population. No walls or troops needed.
  2. Gremxula

    Food Consumption & Villagers

    Each to their own. But if you understand about buildings influence rings and how they work, then large fields and  multiple Granaries is not the best way to go. Large fields reduce the number of fields and so the production bonus. Granaries are industrial units the more you have the more your ...
  3. Gremxula

    Black and White in widescreen

    Glad to see it is still up on a different domain.
  4. Gremxula

    Black and White in widescreen

    That site is now closed but here is the relevant info. For widescreen resolutions outside of those shown in the setup program. use regedit to navigate to this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Lionhead Studios Ltd\Black & White\BWSetup. Look for two DWORD values in this key called ScreenH and...
  5. Gremxula

    Which is the most effective alignment PvP? (And hey all!)

    Bit late but.... Back in the day a lot of the more dedicated players would have special profiles with their MP trained creature. I would do much as FP said but my creatures job was destroy the enemy Temple ASAP. Fireball, Heal and Water are the only 3 miracles such a creature should know. As...
  6. Gremxula

    Trouble with mouse sensitivity and creature interaction!

    Bit late but B&W 1 can have a lot of issues with Vista/7 and now 8. In the main B&W folder is Setup.exe use it. Select Custom  and set everything to MAX. That will cure 99.9% of frame rate or mouse issues. :D
  7. Gremxula

    GameBalanceVillager - Villager Jobs

    Forgot about the "free will" part of your post by the time I got to the end comment.  :(
  8. Gremxula

    Food Consumption & Villagers

    This sounds odd to me too. Is the game Patched to 1.2 ? Any Crack or Trainer ? as I seem to remember problems from years ago with these.
  9. Gremxula

    People standing still?

    No need to reinstall usually. Villagers tend to just stand around if they have nothing to do. Find them work or give more entertainment venues. If they are disciples then shake them off to make them normal again.
  10. Gremxula

    Food Consumption & Villagers

    I know this will be too late for this play through but this land has more ore than you can use ( as a Good God). 3 Mines and  2 ore deposits from memory. Also no need for walls or  troops so disband them ASAP. .... As to your food problem. Try this Good God strategy. Before you start...
  11. Gremxula

    GameBalanceVillager - Villager Jobs

    "I just want to stop the overfilling of my storehouses with lumber without having to kill foresters or Torchwood. :P" The simple answer is don't create disciples.  If your village is  a good place to live villagers will fill the needs of the village store as and when required. If you need to...
  12. Gremxula

    Black and White 2 core application has stopped working

    Just glad the  fix is  still working.
  13. Gremxula

    Black and White 2 core application has stopped working

    You could also try my Tiger save.  Unplayed and a solution to  a lot of problems. Ignore the readme just merge  the 2 save games folders. Then play the Tiger profile.
  14. Gremxula

    Problem with 'deforesting the land'

    Maybe a good  call 5-6y ago. But the  original  poster  didn't  wait all that time for your reply  :( . Better to let the dead rest in peace.
  15. Gremxula

    Tiger Unlocker

    Or Just use use my unplayed save game.  All you miss is the creature select and early tutorial. WORKS ON ALL WINDOWS VERSIONS...  Vista / 7/8 ...32/64 bit. No iffy downloads. No messing with the registry.
  16. Gremxula

    Heelp I'm so sad :(

    I agree with FP you should avoid places like (Link Removed.  Don't promote piracy. ) and try to buy  a copy.
  17. Gremxula

    Finally playingh bw2

    But only on  really old PC's. The save I made was for my use originally. When I realised that I couldn't have a tiger on a 64 bit PC and did this for  myself and  others. :D
  18. Gremxula

    Problems with bw1

    The big secret for older games is  NOT to install to the default location on new systems. Create a new folder outside any "programs" folder  called "games" or any other name you  want and install there. Vista /W7 problems shold the be solved.
  19. Gremxula

    Give me a challenge!!!

    B&W2 Battle of the Gods expansion "Bonus Level" sounds to me just what you need. Have a look for some old posts.  I got up to wave 23 before going back to my builder roots.
  20. Gremxula

    Unload the debugger and try again

    I had loads of problems with  Vista64 but fixed it  with a very similar method to this solution for W7 .......