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  1. Gremxula

    Whats up with this script?

    Compare where the create TOWN and CITIDEL are placed . You may get away with it for a single town.  But your Second Citidel is created and it is asigned to town 0 because  Town 2 dose not exist yet. Town 2 has no citidel  the one in town 2 belongs to town 0. Thats why the town 2 people can't...
  2. Gremxula

    REALLY, REALLY frustrating lags in BOTG

    I maybe your NOCD patch get rid of it and try again. Also check your PM box.
  3. Gremxula

    Whats up with this script?

    Try re-ordering your Town creation lines. Taken from a Lionhead script......... rem ---------------- Town: 3 ---------------- CREATE_TOWN(3, "2842.34,2469.81", "PLAYER_TWO", 4, "INDIAN") SET_TOWN_BELIEF_CAP(3, "PLAYER_TWO", 1.0000000) CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(3, "FIRE") CREATE_NEW_TOWN_SPELL(3...
  4. Gremxula

    Weather climate every day?

    No it has to be done for each map...Maybe several times if you want different weather in different areas as in land2 warm one end snowy the other. Only you know the size and position of the weather you want. Only you know the size of the map you are working on. Use your 1.04 mapping list and...
  5. Gremxula

    Weather climate every day?

    Not At my PC so from memory. you need 4 lines. CREATE_WEATHER_ x,y is the centre of the weather pattern z is the radius it affects.   "  "      "  "        "  "  _RAIN sets up the start finish and how heavy.   "    "    "    "      "  "    _ TEMP sets the temperature  if low enough it will...
  6. Gremxula

    REALLY, REALLY frustrating lags in BOTG

    @MigX there is no patch and never will be. The team who could have patched BOTG were disbanded years ago, maybe even before the game hit the streets. There a few things to try. First the  correct edit for  your graphics card is....... 3850      3      0    3 Just edit any line, anywhere ...
  7. Gremxula

    REALLY, REALLY frustrating lags in BOTG

    Yes I read your first post and you did not say you modified both files. The main reason for your problem is only modding one of the 2 files. The reason there are 2 config files is one for each game.  As you "know it's an expansion" then I won't be able to try and sort your problem. Hope you...
  8. Gremxula

    REALLY, REALLY frustrating lags in BOTG

    BOTG will run the same as B&W2 Maybe you just did B&W2/Data/Graphics,config Did you miss BOTG/Data/Grapics.config both files should be the same to get the same performance. BOTG is not an expansion for B&W2 as in the normal sense that it expands B&W2. It is a separate follow on game.
  9. Gremxula

    Fireball storm!?

    You don't ......without making your own tools first or be very experienced in hex editing. The fireballs are part of the story line, it is a scripted event. The maps that we can make are unscripted playgrounds. I hope that is clear.  :(
  10. Gremxula


    Them the main game file is probably not as on the original. Either corrupt or a bad NO CD version the answer is the same in both cases replace RUNBLACK.EXE or whatever it is called on your Spanish version.
  11. Gremxula


    You seem to have jumped a page click atras (back) to get to the  LAN select.
  12. Gremxula

    Creature isle "no miracle creature spell"

    the town spell name is CREATURE_SPELL_ANTI_SPELL The fie in the link will be of use as it contains all discovered  CI scripts that are extra to the 1.04 list. With both lists you have 99% of the scripts.
  13. Gremxula

    Made a new (active) hamachi network.

    From memory you need the old  version but that may be just because that is what everybody was using at the time. I think all that is really needed is for both or all players to use the same VLAN or  VPN software or service , and the same B&W patch on all computers.
  14. Gremxula

    need instal program

    Someone probably will  eventually but most will just get it for free ..... Actually that must be  quite a dilemma for KAYSSPLACE.. On one hand the game is no longer  sold  so the only new members must come from pirate copy's of the game. On the other hand the "legal" players are leaving...
  15. Gremxula

    Made a new (active) hamachi network.

    @ Undead Perhaps a slight  change to your sig...  I'm worse than Undead... I am the NECROPOSTER Dragging long dead topics from the grave  :laugh2  @ Shemone The starter of this topic popped up here in the start of August 2010 promoted his VLAN network for  a few weeks and then disappeared...
  16. Gremxula

    Multiplayer Just Give Me the Facts

    The only requirements are that you both use the same LAN or VLAN connection method is unimportant. If this is correct ..... the easy way to check is OUTSIDE THE GAME to be able to see each others computers and be able to swap files both ways via LAN. Then you must be running B&W1 with exactly...
  17. Gremxula

    Black and white beta buildings?

    The early promo video that I have/had  shows whitey as a girl.  I remember posting to this site long ago but it may have disappeared through time......  
  18. Gremxula

    need instal program

    He  is probably looking for a collector. I have CI still sealed in original wrap ..... want to make mean offer  :D 
  19. Gremxula

    Multiplayer Just Give Me the Facts

    Sorry Appleape but you are a long way from starting an MP game at this point. You really do need to RTFM and the refer to the README that came with the Patch you are using  1.2 on PC / Wine users. You can't start a game until these things are sorted and agreed by 2 or more players. The MP map...
  20. Gremxula

    Unable to install B&W1.

    ISO or real CD ?