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  1. Gremxula

    The early black&white

    I have to agree that B&W1 was the better game. It is a shame that a lot the content we both remember seems to have disappeared. I do still play B&W2/ BOTG and B&W1 sometimes  but that is mostly if  I am waiting for an update  for another game.
  2. Gremxula


    There are alternate versions of RunBlack.exe that removes the need for the CD to be in the drive. That should help. It's the old copy protection that is not compatible with some CD/DVD drives that causes the problem.
  3. Gremxula

    The early black&white

    Yes that is a small part of the old LH site but there are none of the things there that I was talking about. Not even broken links to important stuff like game patches, Language packs  or the fun stuff like  links to "out takes", "Missionary song pack" and other stuff like the video I posted a...
  4. Gremxula

    BW2 Modding Wiki

    Stii brocken
  5. Gremxula

    graphics.config trouble

    From a distant memory. You will have to edit your grapics.config file  you can use Notepad to load and save the file. The graphic card  4400 is not existing then  edit  one of the existing card  numbers to match and then  3 0 3  the rest of that line. For example change the  X1900 to 4400 or...
  6. Gremxula

    Custom Map-Problems With Starting?

    i haven't done any mapping for several years now but I can tell you that it is a scripting error for player 2 and maybe 3. The map loads fine using just the Player 1 block in a test script adding player 2 block leads to a crash. Rem-ing out CREATE_CITADEL("1898.76,2964.97", 1, "PLAYER_TWO"...
  7. Gremxula

    V1.1 Patch

    No CD's are a way around the game  manufactures check for a legal copy. Now if you own  an original physical CD and manual and use a nocd patch that is technically illegal but  99.99% you could not or will not be prosecuted. If you bought a digital version of the game then the NOCD patch would...
  8. Gremxula

    V1.1 Patch

    I also have copies of B&W1 "both versions"  :D  yep I got B&W1 in the white sleeved box and the wife bought me the black sleeved version for my birthday. I didn't have the heart to tell her that it's the same game inside on the CD just the cover is reversed. Jump ahead to 2007 my last B&W1 CD...
  9. Gremxula

    LOD and Draw Distance

    Just my thoughts on this issue. The game was made to run on W 95/98/M/2000. 1 cpu core at 350Mhz or above and a 8Meg graphics card all to run in 64Meg of ram. Those stats were a bit high end when the game was released..... OK so 13y later the game is  still the same  but PC'S gave changed vastly...
  10. Gremxula

    Villagers need sleep

    Not a really serious problem now but could be leading up to one. Every game is slightly different so you have to  find the cause.  I would first look at building is there enough housing or too much building going on. Are your farms producing enough  grain fast enough to allow villagers time...
  11. Gremxula

    Disciple Shepherd?

    It is very simple. You don't really need to do this but it will help you to understand DL the script list from this link Then using notepad you can load a "anyscriptfile.txt" say twogods.txt and  for example change every "Forrester" to a "Shepard"...
  12. Gremxula

    Postgame? -possible spoilers-

    That would be great if there was any old style Tournament players  left , but today most MP is mismatched noob V noob player. Noob one has played B&W for a while and takes his current creature  to MP. Noob two has done some homework and trained  and grown his creature specifically for MP. The...
  13. Gremxula

    Disciple Shepherd?

    Villagers can be assigned the job sheppard in a map or land script but you can't make them in game. The only disciples you can make in the game are placed next to fixed objects/buildings , with the exception of breeders. Now here comes a potential problem lonely potential breeder meets sheep...
  14. Gremxula

    The early black&white

    Yes P.MX is talking. Sadly 99% of the old  stuff was on the Lh site that was taken down without notice it was just a chance thing that I got it for another fan that could not  access UK sites.
  15. Gremxula

    The early black&white

    Here is the the earliest Vid that I still have. This is from when  "Beardy" was a girl long before release. That was ok quality 15y ago. enjoy !!
  16. Gremxula

    Soccer Field?

    First gen villagers will play football  but later gns will not be so keen. Really it is not relevant to the  main storyline.
  17. Gremxula

    Postgame? -possible spoilers-

    After the Clapping perhaps for the second time then go for some skirmish maps.
  18. Gremxula

    Extreme Growth Map

    Glad you are happy with your creatures size , but it takes at least 6h  in the map to max out your creature. When he enters his  pen it  should be -89% for full size.
  19. Gremxula

    Tiger Game Save

    Just a quick note for all users including upto W8.1 You only really need 2 files from this upload.............. Just move the Tiger profile from the download to the existing profile folder. Do the same with the creature mind. Change profile next time you start the game. Job done.