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  1. Kratzean

    Betamap Land 22 1.0.0

    This map s a Betamap of Land 22 from my Megamod für CI. NOTE: The map is a spoiler for my Genesismod-Version of My Mod-Map!!!
  2. Kratzean

    Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0

    ?? I have no idea, wny! Works the first version of the Colorswapper without problems?
  3. Kratzean

    Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0

    Do you have the Patch 1.20 installed? You need this for the Colorswapper!
  4. Kratzean

    Genesismod V0.85b *Update* (Extern Link)

    I want to upload in the next time a new Version of my mod, with better features und much error-fixes (for example a critical Save-error)! Amd some features, for example epics and the multipickup are more like the epics and the Multipickup of b&w2! The most of the Landscapes have a update and...
  5. Kratzean

    Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0 - This version of the Colorswapper is a updatet Version. Read more about this resource...
  6. Kratzean

    Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper v2.0 1.0.0

    This version of the Colorswapper is a updatet Version. You can now choose your color, before you run b&w or CI! And you can change now the colors with shortcuts! Read the Readme für more informations!
  7. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Read the Readme, ok? In the Readme I have add. how you can start the Genesismod! PS: Perhaps I want to upload a new version with some fixes and new Lands at kayssplace!;):) But My mod is now very big....
  8. Kratzean

    Land 2 Non-Edited Skirmish

    I have do it with a editing of the "challenge.chl" file. But i Think, that i can make a script, to control the gods alliances with the "SET_LAND_NUMBER" command. I add it on my modfile AND I make a version for the gods alliances for the normal b&w Game.
  9. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    I want to say, that I have found some errors in some challenges in my mod, so that i want to say, that some challenges doesn't work correctly! In Land 14 is a mission with big Prison Pillars and one of this Pillars sometime not explode, because i have make a wrong radius for this Pillar. I have...
  10. Kratzean

    Genesismod V0.85b *Update* (Extern Link)

    I think, that you are not a expert for B&W or CI! It is correct, that the mod make the game germanish, because i am german. I want to make a english version of my mod, but at first i want to complete my mod, bevore i want to do this! The crash onyour loading screen was a error of "your" game or...
  11. Kratzean

    Raising food production cap on fields

    I have add a Version of the b&w 2 multi-pickup to my Genesis-Mod, but this Version of the multi-pickup is not so good like the original multi-pickup of b&w 2, but it is better as no multi-pickup in b&w 1!;):) edit: And I have add a new Buildmenue for special Buildings to my mod. With one of...
  12. Kratzean

    Alllands (5 Maps)

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: Alllands (5 Maps) - This five Maps with the "Allands.lnd" are a combination from Land1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Land T. Read more about this resource...
  13. Kratzean

    Alllands (5 Maps) 1.0.0

    This five Maps with the "Allands.lnd" are a combination from Land1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Land T. I have add some Landscape corners of the original Lands to this map and I have add the original objects of this parts. 2 of the Maps are avaiable as Multiplayer Maps, who you can add to the "Online Maps"...
  14. Kratzean

    Genesismod V0.85b *Update* (Extern Link)

    <div>« <a href="">Downloads Home</a> :: <a href="">B&W Maps</a> :: <a href="">Patrick's Maps</a> :: <a...
  15. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Ok, now i would upload the first beta of my mod! The official name of my mod is now the "Genesis mod"! In this beta are inclused the Stormyisland, Land 7 to Land 19 and the Atlantismod Islands (1 to 5). When I am playing my mod, i have a error with this messagne "Runtime error! Program...
  16. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    I would upload the first Beta of my mod, when i have fixed two islands, ok? I think, that i can upload the beta this weekend, when i find no errors or problems. But the problem is, that my mod is in german. I would translate my mod, but i am not good enought in english, so that i would find some...
  17. Kratzean

    Tutorial, to make from a LND romat "Dark world" a "light world"

    Thanks to a user for finding this problem: In Step 3a is a little mistake! That user have found, that in some maps the 90 and the 10 from the Hexstrings not work. He have opened one of this mapfiles and have found the mistake. Instead of 90 there are 91 and instead of 10 there is 11. So when...
  18. Kratzean

    Tutorial, to make from a LND romat "Dark world" a "light world"

    This Tutorial explain, why you can make from a dark landscape, who you have made with LND-Romat a light world. Step 1: At first you make a map with the LND-Romat! En my Tutorial, the map is named "Tutorialmap1.lnd" When you test the map, on the complette map is a big shadow. When you are...
  19. Kratzean

    How to make a map from scratch

    The last posting is very old, but I want to say something, what is very important. I have found a way, to make from a dark world a light world, so that the map is not to dark. I have made it with hexediting. Here is a proof: My "Land14 Map" as a "dark world", bevore I have restored the map...
  20. Kratzean

    Black&White and Creature Isle Colorswapper

    <div>« <a href="">Downloads Home</a> :: <a href="">B&W: Mods Apps Tools</a> :: <a href="">-New Mods-</a> :: <a...