I found one of the most useful Glitches in B&W (CI).
With the Map Script line "SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE" you can change a lot of values in the Memory of the game, like an Gametrainer, because the limit for a maximal (or minimal) value is missed, to limit the area of memory, the Script line use...
If i tried to use this on runblack.exe, the game crashes, so at first I want to fix this.
Perhaps one possible reason can be, that the original Black&White don't have a Tyke Creature.
edit: On the original B&W it's something harder, because some values are total different from the values of...
I found a way, to fix PLAYER_FIVE, PLAYER_SIX and PLAYER_SEVEN.
If you play a skirmish map with this players, they don't have own statistics in the menu and they don't count to the winning conditions for defeated enemies. So normal you only need to destroy the other 3 players, but not the last...
Here is the list from the enum.h (part of B&W CI Scripting tools):
A "Patch", to play creatureisle (like B&W1) in windowed mode, without using the D3DWindower would be fine.
Because with the D3DWindower, the mouse don't works perfectly and sometimes (if i minimize the game), the game crashes.
Sry, better use this version (with extern link): http://www.bwfiles.com/forum/index.php?topic=7001.0
Next year I want to add a new version of my Genesismod with some bugfixes, adjustments, new maps etc.^^
Nope. You only have to run it with creature isle. I hope, do you don't have used it on the normale game, because currently its only works for creature isle.
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
Naruto - Mugen Tsukuyomi - The Mugen Tsukuyomi moon from the Naruto Manga and Anime. Much fun^^
Read more about this resource...
Kratzean submitted a new resource:
B&W CI Player Extrasettings 1.2b - Change some player settings, for example color, alignment, temple type...
Read more about this resource...
This tool make it possible, to chance player colors (like the B&W Colorswappers), temple types, alignments, (computer) player names and gamespeed during the game and save and load your settings every time, the tool ist startet or closed.
It's a reupload of B&W CI Player Extrasettings 1.0b...
I test your map and found three possible things, which can cause a error.
The first both things are on the landscape (check the attachment picture for this).
But also (perhaps) it can cause a error, if you use a ogre as a player creature. If I made maps in my mod and use on one map a ogre as a...
Aq"ingame mapeditor" for B&W? I know, that there are comandos like "skirmish", "multiplayer", "preintrovideo", "editor", "land", "newgame", "settings" and others, so that I think, that this is something with the command "editor"^^
The Problem with the files for the ColorSwapper is, that they are trainers and most trainers are blocked by your anti-virus, because they change something in the memory and make other things, similar to a kind of a virus...
Because my Genesismod is in German and I still need to find some translators (every communication with the potential translators didn't was successful), I want to make a new topic for the Translations, where I post the dialogs I want to translate from german to English.
Because the German...
I think, that you have downloaded a old version of my Genesismod with bugs.
But I have upload a newer Version.
Here is a newer Version on a mirror: http://www.4shared.com/zip/Zf8yHlc1ba/Full-Genesismod_v151a.html
(The Version is to big for kayssplace)
I need to Update the link on kayssplace.
In the next time, I want to make a Update for my mod.
By the way, I want now to complete the translation into english, but I still need help for this (the besst way is somebody, which have skype for example, but I not longer use ICQ).
If somebody want to help, ask me via private message, ok...