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  1. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    I need more help for the english translation.
  2. Kratzean

    B&W CI Land Heights Expansion

    I know what you mean and like to try my best, to find a way!^^
  3. Kratzean

    (EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: (EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain - This is an example Map for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion'. Read more about this resource...
  4. Kratzean

    (EX) Land 2_7 Gods_Hypermontain 1.0.0

    This is an example Map for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion' You need to run this tool first, to use this map without problems. At the moment it's only works for creature isle.
  5. Kratzean

    B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion - This file modifications are needed to edit the landscapes with land heights above 255, up to 2047 fo Read more about this resource...
  6. Kratzean

    B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion 1.0.0

    This file modifications are needed to edit the landscapes with land heights above 255, up to 2047 for the 'B&W CI Land Height Expansion'. Copy the files of the editors to the corresponding directorys of the editor, you use. The file 'BWSurveyor - Converter.exe' is needed to convert normal maps...
  7. Kratzean

    B&W CI Land Heights Expansion

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: B&W CI Land Heights Expansion - This tool make it possible, to have maps with land heights, higher than 255 units. Read more about this resource...
  8. Kratzean

    B&W CI Land Heights Expansion 1.0.0

    This tool make it possible, to have maps with land heights, higher than 255 units. But at first we need some maps with higher values. Use the 'B&WSurveyor&Sculpted Mod for Map Height Expansion' Download for modificationsd for the map editors Sculpted and BWSurveyor to make new maps. Also I...
  9. Kratzean

    Usefull B&W Glitch (CI)

    The B&W Viewer doesn't work. I wantet to show some of the models for modding, but the tool doesn't start.
  10. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Sorry, if someone downloaded the mod. There was an important file missing. I addet they as a separate download. With the next Upload the file is added to the rar.
  11. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    YES, today the big Update of the Genesismod with some bugfixes, new extras, a new Island, better multipickup, new models and textures, new music and some more is avaiable. Here you can download the file: (I want to find some mirrors...
  12. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Are there somebody else, who wants to help translating the Genesismod into english? Kirays is a good help, but with more translators, the translation can to be faster finished! Perhaps so 2 or 3 more translators?
  13. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Sry, but I have problems, to write a PM to you... Do you have a Chat client, where I can contact you?
  14. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    Of course! Because I have a friend here, we can sepak again at sunday about this, ok?
  15. Kratzean

    Diskussionstpic for the Mega Mod

    I am still translating the mod into english, but the problem is, that there is so much of text, that, if I do it alone, I need some months, perhaps a year, to finish the translation. I am still search for translators to help me.
  16. Kratzean

    Tutorial: Making own AI symbols (cps files)

    It's very simple, because I found a new way to do this in the last days: 1. Rename a cps file, for example Nemesis.cps into Nemesis.raw. 2. Open it as a 64x64 grayscale picture with XnView. 3. Now you can change the picture, how do you like. 4. Save the file in grayscale and after saving...
  17. Kratzean

    B&W CI Player Settings v1.15 (with remakes of all my AI Symbbols)

    Kratzean submitted a new resource: B&W CI Player Settings v1.15 (with remakes of all my AI Symbbols) - A new Version of my B&W CI Player Settings tool, but with some bugfixes and the support for changing Read more about this resource...
  18. Kratzean

    B&W CI Player Settings v1.15 (with remakes of all my AI Symbbols) 1.0.0

    A new Version of my B&W CI Player Settings tool, but with some bugfixes and the support for changing AI symbols. This also includes newer versions of my old AI Symbols, I have uploaded a few years ago (with 3 replacements of the symbols).
  19. Kratzean

    Usefull B&W Glitch (CI)

    Yes, thx. In my opinion, it's better than a tool, because so we can make maps with individual player colors, for us as a player too.^^
  20. Kratzean

    Usefull B&W Glitch (CI)

    I found the Code Combination für B&W1: ***B&W1 v 1.30*** Player 1: SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE(409495, 1.5026957E-38) SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE(-290191, 1.5026957E-38) Player 2: SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE(409496, 1.5026957E-38) SET_GLOBAL_LAND_BALANCE(-290190, 1.5026957E-38) Player 3...