I haven't made a fix for BW2 BOTG yet sorry! I have free time next month to develop / publish it. These things are tedious and take time I'm afraid and I don't have a whole lot of that.
Here are the original script files for Black & White 2.
These include scripts for the epic wonders, all the quests in every land and some additional unused scripts. Enjoy :) If you're making a custom map you should use these epic cinematics instead of Daxter's fan made ones...
Today the following was posted on the Xbox website regarding the cancellation of Fable Legends and the proposed closure of Lionhead Studios in the UK.
There is a native function in the challenge language called SET_IMPRESSIVENESS_OVERRIDE with 3 arguments, I assume TownID & Impressiveness (not sure about the 3rd argument) - not sure how that translates into the scripting language, but there's definitely a function for it.
decompiles into asm, so it's pretty tricky to read, this is as far as I got before getting bored - but you can get a pretty good idea of what scripts are doing.
Try the latest 1.4 and make sure you run the configuration tool included, just set it to max details and save. That's all my game is, no compatibility options, no nothing.
That is super funky, are your graphics drivers/program (ATI Control Panel or nVidia) doing any depth of field adjustments? I've never seen the game do this on it's own before.
Uploaded, check the main post - it's now an installer figured it'd be much easier to distribute it like this. Fixed the forced window mode, some graphical bugs, some widescreen bugs.