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  1. Matt

    Of Gods and Mortals - V5 (RC 2.01)
  2. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    I'm pretty sure the game has always looked this bad :P There's only so much we can do with a fan patch.
  3. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    We don't host malware here. I've noticed the warning and have submitted a removal request from the list, in the mean time you can just choose to ignore it.
  4. Matt

    Game crashes after island 1 and won't save.

    what patch are you using? os? compatability modes etc...
  5. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    You don't need to mess with compatability modes or anything. I can put the CD in my Windows 10 PC and run setup as admin, install the patches + my own and then the game works fine.
  6. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Can you post a SHA256 file hash of your ISO? I need to make sure your ISO is the same as the retail copy, if it isn't that's probably your issue and you need to source it from somewhere else. (Unfortunately illegal to talk about here even though the game is impossible to buy)
  7. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Same advice I gave the other guy, follow the opening post exactly, delete all files and registry keys before installing AS ADMIN and no comparability modes set. For best results use an original retail ISO.
  8. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    You probably need to nuke your registry and existing install files like I explain in the opening post.
  9. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    I don't understand what you mean? hmm I don't think so I run the game on a GTX 1080 and also have 2 monitors and it runs fine. "Det gick inte att hitta elementet. " - stands for something can't be found? But yeah the "*** IFC Error!  "COM/DirectInput Error" [HRESULT = 0x80040154 (CODE = 340)]"...
  10. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Pasting the whole log I should be able to see what's wrong better, however this looks like a DirectInput issue. Do you have any gamepads plugged in? Or any other weird USB peripherals?
  11. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Your issue is entirely different, the event log you posted didn't really reveal anything. I can't really help you out becasue I don't know what the issue is, you need to run the game through a debugger such as WinDbg and post the logs here, maybe it reveals the error. Actually...
  12. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    You can solve those issues with the install by just running the installer as admin.
  13. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    You shouldn't really run the game as admin. Lemme know what GPU you have, are you drivers installed? Any crash logs etc (check windows event viewer)
  14. Matt

    BW2 General Modding Discussion + Help

    I have 100s of different projects, I couldn't find my exact code but - here is some C# that will read just about enough from a BWM file for you to be able to get it into a Blender file: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using...
  15. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    Hmm perhaps removing the SafeDisc DRM protection causes the crashes? I think we need to try the patch and/or a NoCD crack on Windows 7. With the patch I just ran the original game exe through a standard SafeDisc remover and then based my work on top of that, it might of not worked fully.
  16. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    Is there a specific OS version these problems started on? I remember playing the game fine on 7, could this be an issue introduced in 8 or 10? Let me know if you manage to play the game fine and what OS version you're using.
  17. Matt

    B&W CI Land Heights Expansion

    This is really cool :) hopefully you manage to find more ways to break the limits of the game, like more blocks ;)
  18. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    You ran out of memory it seems, the game failed to allocate memory whilst loading a model. What are your specs? How much RAM do you have and how much stuff are you running in the background?
  19. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    That DMP file is perfect, thank you - I'll look at it over the weekend when I have a chance :)
  20. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    No idea what the occasional crashes some people get are about. As I usually say, if you can get me crash dumps I could probably fix it.