Follow the install instructions here:
You don't / can't play with the disc properly on Windows 10, so be sure to copy your Audio folder over and install the 1.4 fan patch.
Not sure what you're trying to ask?
The Surface Pro has a really high DPI scaling that doesn't work well with old applications. I think if you right click it, go to properties -> compatibility, and then check the box that says something along the lines of "Disable DPI Scaling". Also make sure...
Before installing this please install both patches v1.10 and v1.20. Do NOT install v1.30.
For more in depth help on installing and running the game please visit this thread:
The patch does the following:
Fixed game not...
Holy sugar it's Daxter, good to see you buddy.
I made some break throughs with Black & White 2 Modding in your downtime: - I documented a lot of the file formats in the game including the CHL files and models, as well as got all the original scripts...
No Black & White 2 Multiplayer, there exists some code in the game itself that suggested they were working on it - but I think they simply didn't do it out of time constraints being put on them around the time Microsoft acquired them. Modding it in would be a huge difficult task.
The patches are just exes, you can run them from anywhere regardless of where they're saved. Don't run anything in compatability mode - install the game & patches as admin, and just run the game normally with no compability mode and not as admin.
Sounds like you've butchered your install. If you've lost the CD you should try and find alternative means to downloading the game - then just follow the steps in the post: install official patches & then install fan patch.
Could you try installing the game to somewhere like: D:/Games/Black and seeing if the bug still persists. The game is known to dislike spaces in directories and permissions and stuff.
Awesome that works perfect, straight away I can see it's an error to do with referencing a null pointer. Need to investigate a little more to see what the actual cause is.
Are all the save room pictures pink for you too? And do they disappear when you enter and leave the temple? I can't seem to...
If you have any mdmp files or just general crash logs I can help you out with this error. I've never been able to reproduce this bug, but it seems a lot of people have it. If you provide me with crash dumps I might finally be able to fix it.