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  1. Matt

    The annoying boat song
  2. Matt

    Black & White Unofficial Patch v1.42

    Download seems to be working fine for me and some others, what browsers are you guys using? Are you sure some firewall isn't getting in the way?
  3. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    DirectX bug, I have uploaded a fixed version now, you can download it from here:
  4. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Try doing just: Black_White_Patch_v1.100.exe, black_white_patch_v1_20.exe, BWFanPatchInstaller.exe And try running in Windowed mode, could help. Fan patch does include a NoCD patch too so no need to crack.
  5. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    1.41 won't work without 1.1 and 1.2 being installed prior. You need to be able to install those patches in order for it to work. I think the issue is your installation media of the game, is it a disc from a non English country? You could try sourcing an English version of the game from...
  6. Matt

    Graphics stuck on low settings.

    Ah yeah I can see the textures at the back are low quality. I'll look into the engine and see if there's anything obvious, I can't promise anything though.
  7. Matt

    Graphics stuck on low settings.

    Is this menu all set to low for you? My fan patch should fix this perfectly.
  8. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    The event viewer log is really helpful actually, I'll investigate - from my knowledge though LHMultiplayer.dll relies on some really really old modem APIs in Windows that are probably removed, I'll look into it and confirm it if so, I think I'll be able to patch it too.
  9. Matt

    Of Gods and Mortals

    Also I'm not sure if you saw, but I recently found the original BW2 scripts, including scripts for epic cinematics: I know you wrote your own, but these could be useful to fill in any missing parts you might've missed from their...
  10. Matt

    Of Gods and Mortals

    Great to hear from you Daxter :) I hadn't realized you were still updating the ModDB page, seems like there's a lot of following still. I'm glad you've released all the source files. :>
  11. Matt

    BW1 & CI Tool Requests

    Logging is easy enough to enable, I have a ddraw.dll proxy that opens up some developer options of the game I could give you via Discord. Try this:
  12. Matt

    BW1 & CI Tool Requests

    So the fun thing about the registry in Black & White - is how most of the options are actually used. The game reads the registry values but never applies them to any global variables. And good pickup of the B&W Platinum Pack for Mac, if you have IDA the executable contains symbols which makes...
  13. Matt

    So, after all these years how does this game look and run on modern hardware?

    Not really all that difference, without my patches the game runs a lot worse in fact because the game can't comprehend the amount of RAM you have and defaults back to low graphics mode. You can easily run the game at 200+ FPS on max settings though on any hardware after 2008 :)
  14. Matt


    There are no programs that make CreatureMind files, you have to make and train them ingame.
  15. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    You probably have the resolution set too high or something similar, try changing it to various ones lower then your actual laptop resolution. If all else fails windowed mode should work well, I realize it's not as nice as fullscreen though.
  16. Matt


    what is the error
  17. Matt

    Problem about launching the game

    follow this
  18. Matt


    I'm pretty sure they're just purely cosmetic. :)
  19. Matt

    Tranh khổ lớn và những điều cần lưu ý khi chọn tranh treo tường khổ lớn

    There was a cancelled game for the DS called Black & White Creatures. The original press release described the game's features: You can find more images here:
  20. Matt

    Bí quyết chọn tranh treo tường quán café

    DirectX won't help you, the best version is already preinstalled with Windows. The problem with no music can be solved by copying the Audio folder from your disk to your game folder as described in my post: