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  1. Matt

    Running Black & White 2 on Windows 10

    For the most part Black and White 2 runs pretty well on modern systems - unfortunately if you have newer graphics cards the game sets the graphics options to ultra low, my fan patch should fix that. Install the game and then install the following patches in order and your game should run...
  2. Matt

    Running Black & White on Windows 10

    Black and White was released in 2001, it's over 20 years old! And sadly it hasn't aged well, there are a lot of issues, but they can be fixed! Here's how. Uninstall any previous attempts Before you attempt to install anything, if you have failed to install it properly before, make sure you...
  3. Matt

    Welcome to BWFiles

    Kays' Place is no more; unfortunately the website that was home to Black and White has fallen into an irreparable state, so BWFiles has been made to salvage what was left, over the past few years I've salvaged and patched what I could from Kays' Place to bring you this. All the file downloads...
  4. Matt

    BW2 on Windows 10

    You can also use my patch: runs flawlessly on Windows 10 as far as I can tell, has a few graphics patches at that too. Removes the SecuRom protection that causes issues with Windows 10 as well.
  5. Matt

    Post your bugs

    Would be interesting if we could get a collection of bugs together, I've been working on fixing a few things recently and would love to get as much as possible in: here's an interesting bug I found, once your storehouse food amount surpasses 65,535 (max size of an unsigned 16-bit integer) your...
  6. Matt

    Think there will ever be a Black and white 3?

    EA owns the rights to the brand, although the last remake of an old game they did (Dungeon Keeper, another game by Peter Molyneux) turned into a mobile free to play piece of trash, so - even if it did get a sequel.. I wouldn't be too optimistic. :(
  7. Matt


    You can still a No-CD over a patch, I'm not sure if you can install a patch over a No-CD however.
  8. Matt

    Graphic Problem

    Not sure why they changed their domain, but it's bugs2 -> bugs. Edited my post to fit that.
  9. Matt

    Graphic Problem

    This bug is due to Wine not having a software DXTC to ARGB converter implemented, nor do your proprietary drivers. (I think mesa drivers work?) DXTC is the texture format used by the game. You need to compile Wine with the following patches applied: mkdir ~/src cd ~/src git clone...
  10. Matt

    Graphics.config problems, any and all help would be great.

    Hey, I've patched up the game to support newer graphics cards and CPUs and to also skip those annoying splash screens at the start: download here. Just replace your white.exe with this one, I'll release a full blown patch in the future, but for now this should let you play the game the way it...
  11. Matt

    Current status of the modding tools(and thusly the future) of Battle of the Gods

    Hey, writing our own tools for BW2 BOTG is possible, it's a hell of a lot of work though. I've spent the last year and a bit on and off working on mod tools for Black and White 2 and subsequently BOTG, right now I fully understand the CHL file format as being something that contains Lionhead's...
  12. Matt

    Of Gods and Mortals

    Well my decompiler is near enough done; I should have a few weeks free from work soon I'll try and finish it up then to identify those scripts.
  13. Matt

    Of Gods and Mortals

    I've been caught up with other projects with work and stuff recently, but I managed to dump a complete list of functions available in Black and White 2 (and 1 and BoTG) which will probably include a lot of stuff Lionhead forgot to document; I'm not sure if any of them will help you but it's an...
  14. Matt

    Skins dont work

    Ahah, 64 bit seems to be a reoccurring issue where you MUST run as administrator.
  15. Matt

    Skins dont work

    Even though you've solved this now, a quick question to get an understanding of why this happens.. Were you using a 64 bit operating system?
  16. Matt

    BW2 Modding Wiki Just a place I've been documenting my reverse engineering efforts, I hope to also fill it with the archived wiki entries from 2005 on modding. Feel free to contribute!
  17. Matt

    Editing Creature Morphs (Help)

    ^ that's weird, I have two accounts it seems. :L (that is me above though)
  18. Matt

    V1.1 Patch

    NoCD cracks aren't illegal at all, if they were that would be a crazy lack of freedoms, its like saying its illegal to jailbreak a phone you own (which it isn't), its your property, you can do what you want. As for anything I want to share I just use USB thumb drives or email, I trained my...
  19. Matt

    V1.1 Patch

    NoCDs aren't piracy, they're really convenient for users. Heck I've not had a DVD drive in my PC for years; torrent the ISO, use my CD key and then nocd patch it works great as far as can be said for this game.
  20. Matt

    Black and White 2 Core Application has stopped working

    I don't think pirating it is going to fix the issue? Make sure you've applied patches 1.1 and 1.2, on the latest graphics drivers and running under XP compatibility mode.