Search results

  1. Sier

    Blue Leopard(Evil)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Blue Leopard(Evil) - A dark blue, Evil Leopard... Meow. Read more about this resource...
  2. Sier

    Blue Leopard(Evil) 1.0.0

    A dark blue, Evil Leopard... Meow.
  3. Sier

    Phone Easter Egg

    u iz pwned :yourock: I've said it about 523 thousand times that I don't have CI, so I had to ask.
  4. Sier

    Phone Easter Egg

    Is this in BW1? If it is, I may have gotten it to work... I mean, I recall doing something of the sort a long time ago...  ???
  5. Sier

    Red Dragon (Neutral)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Red Dragon (Neutral) - The Dragon model was made by Serpentmaj. I just edited it and made it red. Read more about this resource...
  6. Sier

    Red Dragon (Neutral) 1.0.0

    The Dragon model was made by Serpentmaj. I just edited it and made it red.
  7. Sier

    Gold Mane Lion (Good)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Gold Mane Lion (Good) - It's been a while since I made this, so I'm not sure, but I may have simply taken Scrudge's skin and Read more about this resource...
  8. Sier

    Gold Mane Lion (Good) 1.0.0

    It's been a while since I made this, so I'm not sure, but I may have simply taken Scrudge's skin and placed it over the Good Lion model. Either way, here's another option for ye.
  9. Sier

    Brown Lion (Neutral)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Brown Lion (Neutral) - A brown neutral lion, inspired to some extent by the Lion King's "Scar" character. Read more about this resource...
  10. Sier

    Brown Lion (Neutral) 1.0.0

    A brown neutral lion, inspired to some extent by the Lion King's "Scar" character.
  11. Sier

    Blood Lion (Evil)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Blood Lion (Evil) - An evil, burnt, dried blood-colored lion with bloody teeth. Delightful. :devil Read more about this resource...
  12. Sier

    Blood Lion (Evil) 1.0.0

    An evil, burnt, dried blood-colored lion with bloody teeth. Delightful. :devil
  13. Sier

    Aqua Lion (Good)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Aqua Lion (Good) - A good lion, light blue. Read more about this resource...
  14. Sier

    Aqua Lion (Good) 1.0.0

    A good lion, light blue. BTW, the big cats don't look nearly this fat in-game, it's just how the skin visualizer makes them look.
  15. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    I just uploaded some Lion skins a while back... As for the request, I don't have CI. But if someone could share the original files, I could certainly make a few skins for the CI creatures at some point.
  16. Sier

    Mystery Roar

    I may have heard this myself, in Kays map... It's been a year or so since I used it, though. >_>
  17. Sier

    Zebra or Horse

    The Horse and Zebra are exactly the same aside from the stats above. The only thing to consider, in my opinion, is appearance. The good and evil skins also look vastly different on each creature. I prefer the Zebra, myself. I generally avoid using the "farm animal" group because of their...
  18. Sier

    Playing .sad files

    Which version? Because I have an older version that won't play those.
  19. Sier

    Sand Tortoise (Good)

    This skin would be a good candidate for "Neutral" though... If you want to change it, it's as simple as changing the file "C_Tortoise_Good.l3d" to "C_Tortoise_Base.l3d"
  20. Sier

    Sand Tortoise (Good)

    BTW, you guys may be wondering why most of my skins are "Good" instead of "Neutral" Well, that's because when I use the tortoise, I prefer the normal skin or a green variant as the default, and I don't like to see anything too flashy until they become good or evil. :p