Sier submitted a new resource:
Golden Horse (Neutral & Good) - Two gold Horses, one a darker shade(neutral) and the other bright(good).
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Dark Horse (Neutral) - This is a Neutral Horse with darker, more neutral colors, as it is just black and white instead of b
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...Creepy. Is it like this all the time or just when you paused at that moment?
There are a couple of things that could be affecting this if it is a constant thing.
1) What are the creature's fat and strength ratings? As Sabres suggested, when you have a supper low fat or super high strength...
I use the BW Backup tool to save my favorite creatures or to move them from PC to PC. Simply use the program to save your file, copy the saved files and move them to the second computer, and then use the program to restore the files on that computer. No guesswork or --gulp-- reading involved.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Inverted Zebra (Good & Neutral) - This is what the Neutral and Good Zebras look like with inverted colors.
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This is what the Neutral and Good Zebras look like with inverted colors. I paired them together because they look a lot better than their inverted Evil counterpart. I am especially fond of the Good version, as his stripes have a Gold and Silver coloration. Rich.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Inverted Zebra (Evil) - This is what the default Evil Zebra looks like if you just invert the colors. Meh, but trippy.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Electric Red Zebra (Good) - A Good Black Zebra with Electric Red stripes. Description, you are reading.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Black and Green Zebra (Good) - A Good, Black Zebra with neon Green stripes. Break it down.
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