Search results

  1. Sier

    Blue Tiger (Neutral & Good) 1.0.0

    A couple of blue tigers. Lacks the green from the "Aqua tigers" set. I think they may have darker stripes, too.
  2. Sier

    Black & White Tiger (Neutral)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Black & White Tiger (Neutral) - A Black Tiger with White/Silver stripes. Read more about this resource...
  3. Sier

    Black & White Tiger (Neutral) 1.0.0

    A Black Tiger with White/Silver stripes. I solidified the body colors, made them white, and then inverted them to make this skin.
  4. Sier

    Blue Spotted Cow

    There are creatures that are harder to raise than the Cow. Besides, this isn't the topic to discuss this. With that said, It's a giant freakin' cow.  That alone makes it a great creature. :p
  5. Sier

    Blue Spotted Cow

    ...What was user banned for, I wonder? >_> Anyway, this is a good skin to edit if you want to make a cow with different colored skins. The default one requires a lot of tweaking to get it to look like this. Just putting that out there.
  6. Sier

    Golden Bear (good)

    Less patches of green and brown, though. It's a worthy update, says I.
  7. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    I'll give it a shot. If I don't get around to it by next week, remind me!
  8. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    Dark brown? Light brown? ...Reference pic for color, maybe?
  9. Sier

    Red Sheep (Evil)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Red Sheep (Evil) - An evil, fleshy red sheep. Zombie-licious! Read more about this resource...
  10. Sier

    Red Sheep (Evil) 1.0.0

    An evil, fleshy red sheep. Zombie-licious!
  11. Sier

    Black Sheep (Evil)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Black Sheep (Evil) - An evil black sheep. I think this creature always looks nasty. Read more about this resource...
  12. Sier

    Black Sheep (Evil) 1.0.0

    An evil black sheep. I think this creature always looks nasty.
  13. Sier

    Black Sheep (Neutral)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Black Sheep (Neutral) - The black sheep of the bunch. Read more about this resource...
  14. Sier

    Black Sheep (Neutral) 1.0.0

    The black sheep of the bunch.
  15. Sier

    Zebra Face Glitch. any fix for this? B&W1

    The detail level only affects how many layers of images are stacked on the ground and buildings, and things like clouds and rain effects, and shadows. It shouldn't affect the creature much, if at all.
  16. Sier

    Black and white crashes at intro video =(

    You may need to update your video driver. I know that that is what I need to do with this machine, and I can't play Black and White until I do. (I use dial-up, and any sort of download is out until I get DSL! <_<) The entire system crashes if I try to load any sort of game, even a *cough*...
  17. Sier

    Zebra Face Glitch. any fix for this? B&W1

    Actually, I have noticed that sometimes the creatures textures or whatnot do mess up in certain poses. It's not just the Zebra, and it happens quite often. It's just that unless you spend a lot of time watching your creature, it's not that noticeable, and it doesn't hurt things so I guess no one...
  18. Sier

    Blood Tiger(Evil)

    Inspired by my Bloody Lion, perhaps?
  19. Sier

    Shining Gold Horse (Good)

    Sier submitted a new resource: Shining Gold Horse (Good) - A Good Horse, bright and shiny gold. Me like. Read more about this resource...
  20. Sier

    Shining Gold Horse (Good) 1.0.0

    A Good Horse, bright and shiny gold. Me like.