Sier submitted a new resource:
Green Tigers - Two Neutral Green Tigers, one with a different green shade for his stomach and the other with a yell
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Two Neutral Green Tigers, one with a different green shade for his stomach and the other with a yellow-beige color. I think these may be my first skins I ever made.
I'm going to download the blue gorilla to make it easier to edit. I hope you don't mind the tummy staying black. Perhaps I can also use this to make that Donkey Kong skin that I promised to make so long ago...
I'll give it a shot.
Edit: I'm just about done with it. Just a couple of things...
A couple notes.
Never teach the creature to eat from the fields. The game has a glitch where it registers the grain as an inedible object, like a rock or tree. The grain must touch the ground(turning into the sand-like pile of whatnot) before it's considered food.
Creature fat is lowered by 1%...
Most modern home consoles these days allow the usage of a keyboard and possibly a mouse. There is no reason they wouldn't be compatible.
In addition, the game could be played on a controller by simply forgetting about most of the shortcuts. The hand could be moved by analog stick or motion...
If you just want to use the Ogre for the sake of his appearance, you could always swap his skin around with another creature, for example you could have an Ogre with the stats of a Lion.
If they would release the games on home consoles, it would be a buy for me.
Simpa, if you want a creature with a programmable mind, play BW2. It may be more difficult to train a creature in BW1, but that's a positive to me. It makes each creature more unique, and builds a bond between the...
I usually try and help everyone who asks for help on this game, but... I just don't feel like it much anymore. ... ... Did you look at the other topics on the boards? Because I'm fairly sure someone came along not long ago asking the same things, and I replied.
I will say this. Advance past land...
They only look fat in the preview pictures. This is how the L3D Visualizer makes them look... It also does this with the Ape creatures and Tortoise...
They do have a weird little bulge in their stomach in-game, but it's not noticeable if you pack some muscle on the creature.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Golden Tiger (Good) - A Good Tiger, in a nice shade of Gold. I think this may be my favorite skin for the good cat.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Demonic Tiger (Evil) - An old, old, old skin. May be one of the first ones I made. It's an Evil, Black and Maroon Tiger.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Blue Tiger (Neutral & Good) - A couple of blue tigers. Lacks the green from the "Aqua tigers" set.
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