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  1. Sier

    Black Red & White Hand Set of 12 1.0.0

    A set of 12 hands. Yes, 12. TWELVE. The neutral hands are red, evil is black, and good is white. There are four variants of each. Regular hands, hands with thicker colors, blurred hands, and "phantom" hands which are ghostly and partly invisible.
  2. Sier

    Basic Hands

    Sier submitted a new resource: Basic Hands - Early edit. Four neutral hands that are barely different than the original. Read more about this resource...
  3. Sier

    Basic Hands 1.0.0

    Early edit. Four neutral hands that are barely different than the original.
  4. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    Well if you leave a creature on a leash, of COURSE he will do what you want... I'm talking about a free roaming creature that takes care of himself and doesn't cause harm. Yeah, you think teaching an Ape MB took long? If it took 2 tries each time to get 1 percent, that's 200 castings... Since...
  5. Sier

    Horse Skin: Continue or Not?

    You know what? Now that I think about it, I think used to a have a skin similar to this. It was black with brown spots. You could have used that, tweaked the colors, and all that. Too bad I have no idea where it is. :shocked I think I'm gonna dig through my old computer's files. Its more like...
  6. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    Does your creature do everything you want him to without a problem? Never "accidentally" torching your own kind while making kissy face with the enemy? And you don't need to use a leash to correct him, right? Because if that's the case, you were probably lucky. There were several times where...
  7. Sier

    My Creature

    The only thing I feel like adding is that you should avoid using the "fluffy" and "spiky" leashes unless you absolutely need the creature to act a certain way at a pivotal moment. Otherwise, you want him on the learning leash when showing him how to be good, so he will learn to mimic your...
  8. Sier

    The future room

    Ah, GR... You and your horse fetish. :laugh2
  9. Sier

    Horse Skin: Continue or Not?

    It's entirely up to you. If it's causing too much stress, you should quit. If you think you can do it, then by all means continue. Only you can decide. I certainly wouldn't want to keep doing something like this if it was making me go nuts.
  10. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    Training like that takes a long time and a lot of patience. If someone has the time and skills to do that, they probably wouldn't need to ask for help... I only have one creature that operates like that without intervention, and it took years to work out all the kinks. He's a zombie sheep, BTW...
  11. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    BTW, y'all, I submitted about 30 hand skins about a week ago. Should be going up any time now...
  12. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    Yup, pretty simple. Also, as for in game stuff, stick a fluffy leash of compassion on your creature and he will pretty much be a good boy no matter how evil he is without it.
  13. Sier

    Skin request(s)

    That... Doesn't really answer either question.
  14. Sier

    Symbolic Hand (evil)

    Noice. I made something very similar, but did not submit it because it was incomplete. I think I will finish it soon and put it up!
  15. Sier

    ...Black and White CI Graphical problem

    This used to happen to me all the time. The solution is simple... ... And it looks like it's already been posted. Oh well. :p
  16. Sier

    They should Re-Release Black and White + Creature Island

    You don't need to slam your creature around. You must be doing something wrong...
  17. Sier

    White Tiger Set

    Sier submitted a new resource: White Tiger Set - A set of SIX white tiger skins. Read more about this resource...
  18. Sier

    White Tiger Set 1.0.0

    A set of SIX white tiger skins. The "older" ones generally have darker colors, while the "newer" ones are lighter with a yellow hue to make them look more like actual Siberian white tigers. Note that the evil versions are actually BLACK tigers. There's not much difference between the two good...
  19. Sier

    White Striped Black Tigers (Evil)

    Sier submitted a new resource: White Striped Black Tigers (Evil) - Two evil black tigers with white stripes, one of them "normal" with a white tummy and the other with Read more about this resource...
  20. Sier

    White Striped Black Tigers (Evil) 1.0.0

    Two evil black tigers with white stripes, one of them "normal" with a white tummy and the other with an "inverted" effect and black tum tum.