Burnt, charred, lava-like hands, straight from a volcano.
The evil one is slightly lighter for some reason. I might edit it to distinguish them at some point if I get any requests. I'm thinking I will make the evil one even darker and more burnt.
Alchemical symbolism? Not sure what that is. ???
I made the neutral hand Red because that is the default color for the player.
The others, it should be obvious. The game refers to Black representing evil, and White representing good, and whatnot and so forth.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Melted Green Hand (Neutral) - Early edit. I was basically just trying all sorts of weird things.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Green Cloud Hands - Early edits. A neutral hand and a good hand, both greenish with blur effects.
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A set of three hands that appear to be frozen solid. The good one has a more "hollow" appearance to it than the neutral one, while the evil hand looks like frozen snow. One of my favorite hand sets.
Business is "booming" again so I really don't have much time for this site anymore. I'll check every now and then to add descriptions to the hand skins as Kays uploads them, but that's about it. If someone really wants a skin done, you can e-mail me(check my profile). Just be as detailed as...
A set of fiery-looking hands, partly invisible to look like flames. I consider this incomplete, as it can look even better, but it's still pretty neat. I may release a new version in the future.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Burning Hand of Justice (Good) - A good hand I made to go with the Burning Bear(brown bear skin, with other "red bear" skins) and it&
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A good hand I made to go with the Burning Bear(brown bear skin, with other "red bear" skins) and it has a "shining, burning energy" effect. The picture doesn't show this well. Try it out. :o
Sier submitted a new resource:
Blocks Hand (Neutral) - A hand with a grated effect, looks like it's made out of building blocks.
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Sier submitted a new resource:
Black Red & White Hand Set of 12 - A set of 12 hands. Yes, 12. TWELVE. The neutral hands are red, evil is black, and good is white.
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