Sier submitted a new resource:
Tie Dye Tortoise (Good) - This one was made purely as an experiment, and at first I didn't like it.
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This one was made purely as an experiment, and at first I didn't like it. But it's really quite unique. It looks as though it is made of multicolored grains of sand.
Sier submitted a new resource:
Magma Tortoise (Good & Evil) - An evil, nasty Tortoise that looks like he came straight out of a volcano.
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Dieting: When you creature eats something you want him to eat more of, reward him. Punish him if it's something bad. As for frequency, you will have to punish or reward before he downs the food in the first place.
Sleeping: GallopRider has the right idea for the most part. However, realize...
I've got plenty of advice, but I'm not good at writing. I can only really answer specific questions. So if you want to know about a specific subject, such as miracle training, dieting, or specific traits you want your creature to have or avoid, ask away.
My wolf always liked to bring things home, and I would scold him for it because it wasted time. However, one time he wanted to bring home a piece of poo which he had befriended. I just couldn't bring myself to scold him that time. :laugh2 I have taken a screen cap of this, BTW.
Heck, that wolf...
Sier submitted a new resource:
Black Tortoise (Evil) - An evil Tortoise that is black with red, bloody horns and a blood stain on the chest. Nasty.
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