Can't say I have seen the flag but I have seen the villagers hiding at the temple as in your screenshot. So just as villagers have desire flags on the store, I think this is another desire flag like the temple food and rest flags.
What it means exactly is anybodies guess, but it seems to be...
Typical lines for map
CREATE_MOBILE_STATIC("13.39,0.19", 5, -0.019109, 0.000004, -1.749877, 0.000002, 1.000000)
"PLAYER_ONE" Is who the artifact belongs to and the value can be anything from 0.1 to 15 depending on the charge.
Singing or...
I recently had the same issue and it appears to be in just the one specific driver package updating to crimson drivers fixed it for me. Rolling back also did a temporary fix.
About details in the game all the game DATA is less than 240 meg. The level of detail was good enough for an average PC in 2001.
Just to put it into perspective a modern game DATA can have 24 GB or more.
That's 240 v 24,000 or B&W1 has only 1% of the graphics detail of a modern game.
Sorry about the late reply , hardware problems.
To be honest I think the game ended at about the right time for me.
Land 5 actually pushed me from playing the game as I wanted to play, to playing to win at any cost'
Let me just say that I last completed B&W1 on 7/7/2016, so the info is relevant up to that date.
Brief system specs.....4 core cpu..8g ram...1g G card.
New clean install of B&W1 to D:Games not the old default directory. If messed up then use this guide it is for W7 but it is still...
FP for me L5 was more than enough never could finish the game as a totally good god.
Playing evil was so much easier for me. Good God all the way to L5.5 then forced into evil acts to complete the game.
Recently happened to me too. Only the official patches installed (1.1 &1.2) not on L5 either...... old game on new PC what do you expect often..:)
Padster I bet it wasn't the first 10m you spent on L4 :)
I do agree that once you have a method of surviving in L4 the rest is not too hard.
FP Why feel cheated L5 was easily more than half the game in a single land.
Rings or blocks of artifacts will enable giant wonders but are unless you play the game very slowly the wonders will never get finished in time to be of any use.
Invincible man best use , simply throw a TC (5) scaffold then throw man at scaffold, repeat until scaffold can be placed in desired...