Black & White 2 Unofficial Patch v1.42

Black & White 2 Unofficial Patch v1.42 1.42

This patch does incorporate all the features of both the V1.10, V1.20 official patches and the previous fan patches. Patches 1.10 and 1.20 are required to be installed prior to installing 1.42.

Note: if you already installed official patches 1.1 and 1.2, you don't need to reinstall them before installing the Unofficial Patch v1.42

For more help on running the game please visit this thread:
  • FanPatchLogo1.jpg
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Reactions: Bloodysynes
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

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  1. Black & White 2 Unofficial Patch v1.42

    This patch does incorporate all the features of both the V1.10, V1.20 offical patches, and the...

Latest reviews

You gave me back a piece of my childhood when you did this. I can't thank you enough. No matter how many miracles I cast, no matter how many villagers I keep alive, it is you who are a god amongst men.
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Awesome :) my black and white 2 worked on windows 10 without this patch, maybe the crack i used? however the loading speed for this patch is superb. No more waiting for the lion head hour glass to fill :'D right into the action. 1 issue i have noticed however, if i try to customize the name of a save, the game has a lock up until i alt tab out of the game and when you alt tab your way back in, only mouse will work until you restart the game. Not a huge deal, but i figured i would mention. Good work
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What can I say? To be able to play Black & White 2 without a CD and it works perfectly on Windows 10? Magic!! :) This is a Life Saver!
Have fun!
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